I should be hyper-focused on this mental brainstorming, brain dumping exercise to figure out my seed plan for this season, and I did for about 15 min, but my mind wandered as it usually does, and I decided to write to my flower peeps instead! I think, rather I know I suffer from undiagnosed ADD. I'm hyper focused and then I'm not. I get super organized than I'm not. So, if your anything like me you know of what I speak. Right now, I am hyper focused on the Flower Barn and what improvements (there are so many) that can and will be made in the 2024 season.
I just want to say the 2023 season blew away any expectations that i had regarding my little flower business. I've had the most extraordinary people come into my life. Amazingly kind, creative, just lovely people. People I consider my tribe. I always tell my girls not to worry your tribe will find you. it may take a few years, or you may fall in and out of them but that's life. At age 51, when children have grown, friendships shift. I kind of thought I had my core of friends and that was it. but I could not be more wrong, and I couldn't be more grateful for the amazing group of women who have come into my life due to our mutual love of flowers. I had angels along the way lift me up, help me organize the barn, help me clean, help me with events and weddings, it was an extraordinary season. I feel so entirely blessed.
So , that snow squall, that was interesting, Snow Tuesday? I was out there today, covering up autumn sown baby snap dragons, dianthus and some ranunculus I had left int my raised beds that came back?? (Yay me) When I say cover I mean I place a cloth called agribon over my crops, when temps will be below 28 degrees for an extended period of time. This week promises to be a cold one. And I still have more peonies to plant but did a good number in the ground. Did you know when you plant a bare root peony it takes about three years to establish before you can really cut flowers off of them. All the energy for the first three years needs to go into the root system of the peony so if you cut the stems long and tkae alot of the greenery you are stunting the growth of said peony. We eventually want 1000+ peonies here, it will take a 4-5 years. Right now I have over 100 ready for cutting and 250 still in the growing phase. another 200 going this year.
Perennials: First year they sleep, second year they creep, third year they leap.*
We also buttoned up the cold frame high tunnel, It has eucalyptus, stock, snaps, campanula and lisianthus in there. The Lisianthus is a total experiment. I got it on clearance when I went to pick up my baby flower plugs. I though why not?? They are still alive and growing...time will tell. We covered up the eucalyptus with some agribon cloth row cover. I am hoping to have Eucalyptus Trees in my high Tunnel!! yes, its possible! I have a fellow farmer friend who is growing them like this. Her tunnel in 100 times bigger than mine. But maybe it will work for me??
We launched our new subscription program this week!! And we have had a wonderful response. However, there is a glitch at check out that offers free delivery. and I do not know how to fix it. I hope i was clear in the description and by the price variations you can tell what is what. If not, please let me know. I am struggling with it all. I worked on it for two full days to get it launched and I'm still having trouble. If you want a subscription, you can also message me and send payment via Venmo. I'm pretty flexible. I just want locally grown flowers in everyone's hands!!
This week I have the honor of doing a bridal shower and I excited to do some creative work! also this week I will be starting my sweet peas, and ranunculus. Would anyone be interested in doing a winter seed sowing grow along?? comment below.
next blog will be about winter sowing... in milk jugs......
be talking about soil blocking and channel seed trays and plug trays and the differences.
"To grow a garden is to believe in tomorrow" -Audrey Hepburn